References / Bibliography / Literature

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Instituut voor Nucleaire Geneeskunde (Institute for Nuclear Medicine) in cooperation with the Kliniek voor Inwendige Geneeskunde (Clinic for Internal Medicine) of the Medische Faculteit, Academisch Ziekenhuis Utrecht (AZU). Report, University of Utrecht

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MacTHESIS: A design system for educational computer simulation.  proceedings of the EURIT 86 conference, Pergamon, London (Editors: Tj. Plomp and J. Moonen), 689-691.

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Computersimlatie als leermiddel; een inleiding in methoden en technieken. Academic Service B.V., Schoonhoven, ISBN 90 6233 282 X.

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A design system for educational computer simulation; Wheels for Europe, no1, 46-48.

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Min, F.B.M., (1992)
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Min, F.B.M.,  (1993)
The heart as pump: the computer simulation program CARDIO. In: Modeling and simulation in physiology and biomedical engineering on a PC; Springer Verlag Berlin ; (Editors: R. van Wijk van Brievingh and D. Möller), including 6 floppies with the computer simulation program.

Min, F.B.M., (1993)
Fluid volumes: the computer simulation program FLUIDS. In: Modeling and simulation in physiology and biomedical engineering on a PC; Springer  Verlag Berlin;  (Editors: R. van Wijk van Brievingh and D. Möller), including 6 floppies with the computer simulation program.

Min, F.B.M., (1993)
Computer simulation in medical education. In: Modelling and simulation in physiology and biomedical engineering on a PC; Springer  Verlag Berlin;  (Editors: R. van Wijk van Brievingh and D. Möller), including 6 floppies with computer simulation programs (like CARDIO and FLUIDS).

Min, F.B.M., (1993 - 2005)
Publications about e-Learning, higher order e-Learning, e-Learning Environments, computer simulation environments, multimedia, multimedia technology, parallelism, the PI theory, methods and techniques. Online available on

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Examples of e-Learning environments with (running) examples. Online available on

Möller, D., and R. van Wijk van Brievingh (Editors), (1993)
Modelling and simulation in physiology and biomedical engineering on a PC; Springer Verlag Berlin; (Including 6 floppies with the computer simulation programs CARDIO and FLUIDS on MS.DOS of Min, van Schaick Zillesen and Ter Hedde)

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Van Oenen, E.J. (1989)
MacCOAT: een computer ondersteund anamnese trainingsprogramma in LPA Prolg op de Macintosh II computer. M. Sc Thesis, internal publication, University of Twente, Enschede. (in coop. with C. Bleys, M. Quaak, J. Moonen and F.B.M. Min)

Van Schaick Zillesen, P.G., and F.B.M. Min, (1987)
MacTHESIS: A design system for educational computer simulation. Wheels for Europe, no. 2, August 1987, 23-33.

Van Schaick Zillesen, P., and F.B.M. Min, (1988)
A design system for educational computer simulation programs for computers used in secondary education in the Netherlands. First printed in: Computers in Education; (editors: Lovis and Tagg), Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam, 265-269; Second printed in: European  Conference on Computers in Education (Laussanne 1988): de nederlandse papers; PSOI reeks, nr. 49, Den Haag.

Van Schaick Zillesen, P.G., and F.B.M. Min, (1990)
Towards an interactive design system method for educational computer simulation.In: proceedings of EURIT '90, Hening, Denemarken (24-27 april 1990), published on floppy.

Van Schaick Zillesen, P.G. (1990)
Methods and techniques for the design of educational computer simulation programs and their validation by means of empirical research. Ph D. thesis, University of Twente, Enschede, Holland (promotors: E. Warries & F.B.M. Min)

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Verhagen, P. (1983);
Computersimulation and mathematical models in the medical curriculum by F.B.M. Min; Educ. Comp. Techn. J., Vol. 31, no. 1, 56-57.

Wedekind, J.P.E. (1981)
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