Research institute 'Centre for Telematics and Information Technology', Faculty of 'Educational Science and Technology', University of Twente.
Faculteit der Toegepaste Onderwijskunde (TO); the Department of 'Educational Instrumentation Technology', d.w.z. de vakgroep 'Eduactieve Instrumentatietechnologie' (ISM).
I was involved in academic studies as: Studierichting: Educational Design, Management & Media (EDMM), Studierichting: Toegepaste Communicatie Wetenschap (TCW), Studierichting: Toegepaste Psychologie (PSY) & the Masters programme Technology Applications in Education and Training (TEAT)
Telefoon: 053 - 4.763.881 (thuis) / 06 - (mobiel)
Address: Schopmanlanden 22, 7542 CN Enschede
Mail address:
Web address:
My new office in de Melkweg (2021 - heden)
My view in my office now in Enschede town (2004 - 2020)
My room - C335 - in Cubicus Universiteit Twente (2003 - 2005)
My room - L219 - in the TO building (laagbouw) Universiteit Twente (2000 - 2003)
My room H212 - in the TO-building Universiteit Twente (circa 2000)
My room - H212 - in the TO building (hoogbouw) Universiteit Twente (19xx - 2000)
Enschede, 2005; updated 2012 en 2021.