TAET 2003, elective course 197204 " Technology  and Simulation"

by Bovt V.  

 WEB-assignment "Simulation of AXON"
 Introduction Concept Instruction Simuation Tasks




This site was created by Victor Bovt mp_bovt@edte.utwente.nl in 2003. The goal of the site is to demonstrate the power and effectiveness of simulations in teaching process.


There are 5 main pages in this site:

- introduction - this page,

- concept page includes information about simulation theory and assignment context,

- instruction page gives to student a step-by-step guidelines how to operate with the simulation,

- simulation page provides students with "start the simulation" and "close the simulation window" buttons, and

- tasks page sets up a list of assignments for students.


The simulation itself is a Java-applet with graphical interface and layout. A lot of java-bibliotheces were designed by Dr. ir. F.B.M. (Rik) Min Min@edte.utwente.nl. My work was to put a mathematical model in his templates and to make it run.