Analysis on the cognitive load theory; learning difficulties; and instructional design

by Shu Hui Shen


Cognitive load theory is an instructional theory generated by this field of research. It describes learning structures in terms of an information processing system involving long term memory, which effectively stores all of our knowledge and skills on a more-or-less permanent basis and working memory, which performs the intellectual tasks associated with consciousness. Information may only be stored in long term memory after first being attended to, and processed by, working memory. Working memory, however, is extremely limited in both capacity and duration. These limitations will, under some conditions, impede learning.

Two Learning mechanisms

There are two critical learning mechanisms: schema acquisition and the transfer of learned procedures from controlled to automatic processing,

Function of learning

One of the functions of learning is to store automated schemas in long-term memory. The differences on novice-expert is that differential access to a large store of schemas is a critical trait of skilled performance. Another function is reducing working memory load. Schemas increase the amount of information that can be held in working memory by chunking individual elements into a single element. It not only permits long term memory storage but also effect on working memory limitations.

Problem solving facilitation learning

There are 2 specific approaches to facilitate for learning and problem solving

Element interactivity

Extraneous cognitive load is an important consideration when designing instruction. Cognitive load imposed by instructional material can be partitioned into that which is due to the intrinsic complexity of the core information and that which is a function of the cognitive activities required of student cause the manner in which the information is presented. A study of intrinsic complexity requires techniques for comparing different types of information.

When the element of a task can be learned in isolation, they will be described as having low element interactivity. The level of element interactivity or connection refers to the extent to which the elements of a task can be meaningfully learned without having to learn the relations between any other elements. Learning syntactic and semantic elements tend to have a higher level of interactivity.

Relation of schemas and elements

When dealing with high-level interactivity tasks requiring the learning of multiple elements we are dealing with schemas acquisition. The schemas being acquired maybe considered higher or lower level . The schemas being acquisition maybe lower level schemas. As doing with low level interactivity tasks ,it’s not appropriate to use the term schemas , cause most theorists have applied the term schemas to complex materials that involve multiple, interacting elements .So dealing with simple learning task better be thought of as an element rather than a schemas.

Estimating of element interactivity

Because what constitutes an element is affected by the knowledge of the individual, measure of element interactivity that is independent of the learner is unobtainable. By assuming the knowledge level of a learner, it’s possible to estimate the number of interacting elements that must be acquires simultaneously in order to learn a particular task or procedure.

Element Interactivity and cognitive load

If element interactivity and instructional formats have cognitive load consequences, relations between these factors need to be considered. The total cognitive load is an mixture of 2 separate factors: extraneous cognitive load , artificially imposed by instructional methods ,and intrinsic cognitive load , which is determined largely by element interactivity. Extraneous cognitive load caused by inappropriate instructional designs can be reduced using techniques. Intrinsic cognitive load is fixed and cannot be reduced.


Intrinsic cognitive load cannot be altered, it have important implication for instructional design. Inappropriate instructional designs can impose a heavy extraneous cognitive load and interferes with learning .If cognitive load is caused by a combination of design features and element interactivity then the extent to which it is important to design instruction to reduce extraneous cognitive load. While extraneous cognitive load can reduce instructional effectiveness, it may do so only when coupled with a high intrinsic cognitive load. If total cognitive load is not excessive due to a relatively low intrinsic cognitive load, then a high extraneous cognitive load may be irrelevant cause students can easily assimilate low element interactivity materials. If intrinsic cognitive load is high due to high element interactivity, adding a high extraneous cognitive load may result in a total load that exceeds cognitive resources, leading to learning failure. The effects of extraneous cognitive load may primarily dealing with high element interactivity materials and the combined consequences of a high extraneous and high intrinsic cognitive load may overwhelm limited processing capacity. Thus those effects reliant on cognitive load using low element interactivity materials are not expected. Instructional designer who base on cognitive load theory when materials have low element interactivity, may be incorporating design features that have no useful effect. The effects generated by cognitive load theory can apply merely to high element interactivity material.
