The output in English:
The output in Dutch:
1. Let run the simulation one strike. Change parameter perifaral resistance (Rp) from 1.25 [...] to 1.8 [...]. What happens? or: What do you think what happens?
Exercise 1: What do you think about the 'pressure in the aorta' (Pao) if the parameter 'periferal resistance' (Rp) become more than 100% (from 1.25 to 1.8)? (that is the disease sclerosis or hardening of the arteries in the rest of the body; not the aorta)
Exercise 2: What do you think about the 'pressure in the aorta' (Pao) if the 'compliance' (Cao) become less than 100% (from 1.1 to 0.55)? (that is the disease sclerosis or hardening of the aorta)
Exercise 3: What do you think about the 'pressure in the aorta' (Pao) if the 'compliance' (Cao) become less than 100% (from 1.1 to 0.55) and the maximal left ventricle become more than 100% (from 1.2 to 1.8)? (that is the disease hypertension and sclerosis in the vessels) (Good hypothesis: the heart compensates the lower blood flow through the body by pomping the blood under higher pressure)
Cases: ......, etc.