Het cardiovasculaire systeem


Een aantal variabelen en een aantal parameters bij het cardiovasculaire systeem bij de mens

Er zijn in deze simulatie twee casussen ingebouwd, casus 1 en casus 2:

It sounds paradoxical but computer simulation programs turn out to be very useful in higher education or industrial training for learning how to interact with a simulated model. For example: a computer simulation program of the blood pressure regulation mechanism of the human body, enables a medical student to construct a mental model of the relation between blood pressure, cardiac output, and peripheral resistance and to find that they are linear.

The model include at least 60 variables which can be displayed (at the right) and 25 important parameters which can be used for interventions in the model (at the left).

In this applet 7 variables will be displayed: arterial pressure, urine output, cardiac output, etc. The simulation time is displays in minutes. 10 days is 14400 minutes.

The applet has 8 possibilities for intervention: parameters for creeting diseases, parameters for therapies, and a case-selector: case 1, 2 and 3.

For actual use this pre-prototype applet you need our manuals whith the instructions, exercises, cases, texts, explinations, etc. (R. Min, the cardiovascular system, the heart as a pump; the computer simulation program CARDIO; Springer Verlag Berlin; 1991; also published on the web: see button Backgrounds.)

All variables, modelparameters, constants and possible interventions (name, mnemonic, units and remarks:

1. Clinical variables, for diagnosis and treatment. These variables are the only ones available during clinical simulations:

2. Physiological Variables. These variables are used during physiological studies. Some units are familiar, some are normalized, i.e. usual value is 1.

3. Interventions. These are meant to mimic possible therapeutic procedures. Usually a value of 0 represents no intervention, while 1.0 represents the maximum possible value. All values between 0 and 1.0 are permitted, representing graded therapy.

4. Additional Interventions for physiological demonstration. These variables are normally not within the domain of the physician

5. Additional Physiological Variables. These variables are important to the accurancy of the model but are not often followed.

6. Initial conditions. These variables supply the values of certain important variables as solution of the model is begun.

Tom Coleman en Rik Min, Enschede, 1982 - 2012