Simulation program AORTA, version 2.0x (Sikken & Min, 28 march 1997), built with JavaTHESIS. In this prototype the simulator is presented in a extra window. (OLD)
First you s'll see a screendump of the instruction and the applet of AORTA version2.0x on this page. In an extra (second) window you can run an interactive java-applet with the computer simulation program AORTA. This (first) window is the instruction page. The underlying model is descriped here. Interesting point of this version of AORTA is that the user can put interesting information about this model, in view, beside the simulator. So you can run it as described really according the 'parallel instruction-theory'.

Two windows in practice: left the instruction; right the simulator.
To start the model: press 'start' and 'continue'.
To stop the program (for leaving this page): press the 'stop'-button.
Try it and please give comments if you like this project: the java-prototypes 0, 1 and 2.
You won't see anything (in the second window) unless you are using a Java-enabled browser. The second window comes automatically (in 5 to 10 seconds from now).