public class Aorta extends java.applet.Applet { double t,dt,i,j,Plv,PlvMax,f,Qao,Pao,Vao,Qp,Rp,Cao; int iy=0,ix=0,n=0,youd,xoud; public void paint(Graphics g) { youd = iy; xoud = ix; t = 0.0; dt = 0.02; Plv = 0.0; PlvMax = 120.0; f = 1.0; Qao = 80.0; Pao = 80.0; Vao = 80.0; Qp = 70.0; Rp = 1.25; Cao = 1.1; i = 50.0 * t + 0.0; j = -1.0 * Pao + 200.0; for ( n=0; n < size().width; n=n+1 ) { t = t + dt; Plv = PlvMax * Math.sin (2.0 * 3.14 * f * t); if (Plv < 0.0) Plv = 0.0; Qao = 33.0 * (Plv - Pao); if ((Plv-Pao) < 0.0) Qao = 0.0; Vao = Vao + (Qao - Qp) * dt; Qp = Pao / Rp; Pao = Vao / Cao; if ( t > 2.0 ) { Cao = 0.50; } // <--- a hiden case i = 50.0 * t + 0.0; j = -1.0 * Pao + 200.0; iy = (int) j; // <-- the transformation of the coordinates ix = (int) i; System.out.println("tijd, Pao, iy: "+t+", "+Pao+", "+iy); g.drawLine (xoud, youd, ix, iy); xoud = ix; youd = iy; } } }
You see graphical output are drawing. See the model (of Aorta) in the html-source-code.
Enschede, 1996; updated March, 2003.