Faculty of Educational Science and Technology (EDTE), University of Twente (UT)
Postbus 217; 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands. E-mail: ...@...utwente.nl
Maurice: version a.
Jopie: version b.
Transistor: version 2002x.
Sun heater: version 2002x.
== more about parallellism and the PI theory ==
Principle of intelligent feedback: here video fragments:
Simulation site with CARDIO; built with JavaTHESIS and 'SimLib':
Principle of a learning environment, based on model-driven simulation is to get beter insight in a realistic dynamical phenomenon and insight between input and output, or parameters and variables, of that phenomenon.
The instructor ('Rik') (parallel)
The concept model with the interventions.
Output: 'Maurice' and his complaints
The user (the learner: a pupil, a student, a trainee, etc.)
Two demonstration versions
A second example: 'TRANSISOR'
Two more demonstration versions
The concept of our learning environments
The concept of our instruction environment
More information
== parallellism and the PI theory ==
Enschede, jan. 4, 2002. Gerestaureerd 2020