The model for the simulation is a normal low signal amplifier circuit, which consists of a standard transistor, an AC generator, some resistors and capacitors. The model was developed for educational applications by Min and Malhotra (1988), and Min and Van Leeuwen (1990, not published), in which the transistor's behavior can be studied in a dynamic way by changing the input parameters.

Figure 1. Circuit of the simulation model

Figure 2. Circuit board of the simulation model









AC generator

Table 1. Notation of symbols in the circuit diagram       

The default values of the parameters and the starting values of the model are as following:

                A = 0.01 [V]

f = 100.0 [Hz]

ui = 0.0 [V]

beta = 200.0

IC0 = 1.0 [mA]

q = 1.6E-19 [Asec]

K = 1.38E-23 [J/K]

T = 100.0 [K]

S = 40.0*IC0 = (q / K.T).IC0 = 40.0

rb = beta/S = 5 [kOhm]


Ucc = 12.0 [V]

IB0 = IC0/beta = 1/200 = 0.005 [mA]

IE0 = (beta + 1)*IB0 = (200+1)0.05 = 1.005 [mA]

RC = 4.0 [kOhm]

R2 = 56.0 [kOhm]

RE = (0.5*Ucc - IC0*RC)/IE0 = 2/1.005 [kOhm]

Ir = (0.7 + RE*IE0)/R2 = 2.71/56 = 0.04839 [mA]

R1 = (Ucc-0.7-RE*IE0)/(IB0+Ir) = 174.0 [kOhm]


b = ui*S/beta

           uo = -beta*ib*RC