Technology and Simulation

TAET elective course 197204 Technology and Simulation
Final assignment by Victor Bovt.

The task was: to write an overview paper with use of a book or a printout that is related to application of simulation in education or training. The question to be answered in this paper is "what is essential from the motivation theory to make a good simulation?"

I've got a printout by Adacel Company that includes 4 texts:

Adacel Technology Limited is an Australian owned company operating in many diverse fields such as telecommunications, software development and e-commerce. The Simulation Learning division specializes in the production of simulation-based instructions for business clients.

Text 1.
ASL uses a sophisticated combination of current technology, multimedia and proven training methodologies, to blend the benefits of eLearning with the benefits of simulation. The main benefit of eLearning is a reduction of time and money for training and delivery. The main benefit of simulation is induction of learner’s motivation and engagement to use the new knowledge and skills in his work.

ASL provides high-end air traffic control and defense simulation, custom developed simulations and off-the-shelf simulations covering major new Banking and Financial system training, behavioral skills training, call/contact centers and legislation. Simulations are designed to focus on the key skills for a particular job. Simulations allow people learn best when they are doing in the representative environment. At the two-month point, post training, a learner will typically remember 90% of what they do. Simulation allows the practical part of a learning process, provides immediate feedback, and accelerates the transfer of experience to practice.

Text 2.
At first the text describes the way of using of simulations in training. Each simulation development and training should include 5 elements: explanation (intro), demonstration (tutorial), pre-assessment (optional), practice, and assessment. The learner is being assessed on his ability to make appropriate decisions within the context of the simulation scenario. There is a special scoring methodology used to weight a series of factors at each decision point. These mean that simulation in general allows measuring of a high-level thinking (decision making).

At second there is a simulation development methods overview in the text 2. The overview includes descriptions of a simulation development as a courseware development, as a project, and as a work-flow. There are 6 main phases in development process: project initiation, research, conceptual design, production, test and set to work, and maintenance. The process of simulation development is very complicated and involves a lot of specialists (project manager, instructional designer, multimedia designer, and web-developer). Also there is a lot about DeMap Simulation Technology, which allows designers to include multiple logic paths in one simulation. This means that simulation can adapt to user’s choices and react in different way.

The next part of the text is about benefits of using simulation-training approach. Simulation makes learning process faster, more flexible and more consistent, provides a safe environment to make trials and mistakes, helps to gain confidence and build knowledge. The web-delivery costs of simulation are lower than costs of traditional practice of learners. Simulation allows measuring of the learner’s ability to perform a task or job. The measurement can be done for a big number of learners, very fast and cheap. This is critical for ROI of training.

Text 3.
The text includes examination of 6 motivation theories. The aim of the examination is to develop strategies and tactics for instructional designers to increase the learners’ motivation (before beginning instruction, during instruction, and to use the consequences of instruction). All theories underline a high role of learner’s motivation in information process (as a part of learning process).

The next part of the text shows the way of these theories application (before beginning instruction, during instruction, and to use the consequences). The most useful theory is Keller’s ARCS model (attention, relevance, confidence, satisfaction). In all of these theories the activity-factor is one of the most important for learners’ motivation. Learners should do something (practice or simulations) to increase their confidence. Simulations provide error feedback that includes opportunity for learner to try again. And the biggest reason of motivation is to show that learners are able to perform desired tasks or implement the learning in the workspace.

Text 4.
In order to enhance the effectiveness of ASL tutorials, a review (this text) was conducted within the following areas: adult learning (Knowles, Rogers), cognitive load theory (Sweller), Gagne’s instructional theory, the theory of multiple intelligences (Gardner), and learning styles (Riding et al). The results of this review were applied to 3 current ASL projects. The projects were evaluated according to the findings of the research and recommendations were made for future development.

Each project includes a software component (simulation). The interface differed for each project but all shared the following features: a conceptual overview at the beginning, a list of learning outcomes, a real-life case study or task (situation) to be completed, the interactive tutorial, a self-evaluation quiz, a summary of learning objectives achieved. The main interesting part for us is the interactive tutorial with the screen divided into 3 key areas: a simulation screen resembling the application, a panel or text box with explanatory information, and a panel or text box with instructions for the learner.

Also, there are some questions discussed while designing the learning system. Most of these questions concerning to the types of media, amount of information for learner, number of actions of a learner, total time of a simulation, pace of instruction, freedom of a learner to direct the learning process. The goal of this analysis is to reduce learners’ time and useless effort of learning, and to make it more practical and task-oriented. It seems difficult because people differ (for example, holistic and analystic, verbal and imagery).

Recommendations for future development of Adacel simulations depend on the ability and willingness of the client to pay and also on the end user platform.


The main ideas of these 4 texts:

Text 1. The main benefit of simulation is induction of learner’s motivation and engagement to use the new knowledge and skills in his work. Simulation allows the practical part of a learning process, provides immediate feedback, and accelerates the transfer of experience to practice.

Text 2. Simulation in general allows measuring of a high-level thinking (decision making). Simulation can adapt to user’s choices and react in different way. Simulation allows measuring of the learner’s ability to perform a task or job. The measurement can be done for a big number of learners, very fast and cheap. This is critical for ROI of training.

Text 3. All theories underline a high role of learner’s motivation in information process (as a part of learning process). The biggest reason of motivation is to show that learners are able to perform desired tasks or implement the learning in the workspace.

Text 4. The goal of simulation use is to reduce learners’ time and useless effort of learning, and to make it more practical and task-oriented.


Adacel Technology Limited, xxx is an Australian owned company ... xxxx.

Enschede, March 2003.