Model-driven Simulations
(prototypes: designs, versions & systems)

for demonstration purposes only


Dynamical products, simulations, higher order courseware, etc.

(supervised by Ben Reimerink, Jan de Goeijen, Jacob Sikken and Rik Min)

Dynamical products, applets, micro-worlds, etc.

(from other groups, collected by Rik Min and others)
  • een buitengewone animatie: KRAANTJE (gemaakt met een tool)
  • een buitengewone animatie: MEERTJE (gemaakt met java)
  • A molecule (an applet) (virtual reallity)
  • Simulaties, ROC-ON, Oost Nederland, Hengelo;
  • Ruimtelijke animatie, University of Oldenburg;
  • Coordinates (prototypes Twente University, fac. wiskunde) (Gragert)
  • Rotatie (prototypes Oldenburg University)
  • Rotatie (prototypes Oldenburg University)
  • Rotatie (prototype Oldenburg University)
  • Applets (prototype Oldenburg University)
  • Applets (prototypes van Rode Kruis, incl. Web Physics)
  • Audio+Animation (demo van WebPhysics)
  • Animations, statistics, etc. (demo's) (via Willeke H.)
  • Statistics, etc. (demo's) (via Willeke H.)
  • Games (demo of the BBC)
  • Fractal (demo of SUN)
  • RC-network (demo) (interactive high pass filter)
  • Flash simulations (via T. Barlo)

  • Other simulations en animations (other groups)


    (from all over the world, collected by Jan de Goeijen and Rik Min)


    (from others)
  • A manual for JavaScript, a good introduction;
  • A manual for Java, a good introduction (defect);
  • A manual for Other external courses.
  • Conferences

    Research Journals

    Enschede, Maart 2004